Insurance coverage for businesses of all sizes.
Business owners insurance written by Universal Group, Ltd.
企业所有者保险(BOP)将企业财产保险和企业责任保险合并为一个方便的保险. 我们将与您一起设计保护您的业务免受各种风险的保险范围, unique to your industry.
Why does your business need business owners insurance?
由于您的企业每天都面临着意想不到的情况,因此始终存在风险. Whether it’s the risk of damage or loss to your property or customers, the only way to protect your business is with the right policy. 利用防喷器的便利性,您可以将风险降至最低,并专注于业务的未来.
Two coverages in one policy.
A business owners insurance policy is known as BOP for short. This is appropriate, since it offers a one-two punch. It’s a combination policy bringing together two types of coverages.
Includes property insurance.
The first type is property insurance. 财产保险涵盖与你的营业场所、设备和车辆有关的风险. In addition, it often includes any associated loss of business. 这是一项重要的保险,因为它确保你的业务、资产和收入受到保护. 例如,在你的企业主政策中,这里有一些可以考虑的覆盖范围:
- Fire
- Flooding
- Theft
- Accidental Damage
- Loss of Income
- Loss/Damage of Property
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As a business owner, you've worked hard to build a solid business. But what happens when the unexpected happens? Are you covered?
一个企业主的政策是独特的设计,以保护您最重要的资产, including your business, its continuation, your employees, and your way of life. 与你的代理人讨论这个保险范围的细节,确保你得到保护.
If you perform services for others, 你有可能做错(错误)或者根本不做(遗漏). 诉讼可能会出现,声称错误或遗漏损害了你的客户,并给他们造成了经济损失.
错误和遗漏责任保险保护任何提供咨询的企业, makes educated recommendations, designs solutions, or represents the needs of others. Ensure you have this important coverage if you perform services for clients.
董事和高级职员(例如董事会成员)面临的风险因素增加,并对声称在履行职责方面存在疏忽的行为负责. 任何由此产生的诉讼通常都是昂贵的辩护,可能导致巨额和解.
Obtain comprehensive coverage to protect senior individuals of your company. 董事和高级管理人员责任保险承保承保的诉讼的法律费用,并提供除辩护费用以外的任何和解所需的资金.
A commercial umbrella policy provides high limits of insurance, typically between $2,000,000 and $10,000,000. Coverage is extended over your general liability insurance, workers' compensation, business auto, as well as directors and officers liability coverage. It provides a great safety net and helps ensure your business is well protected.
Businesses are susceptible to many risks, such as claims due to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and more.
General liability insurance is an absolute necessity for any business. It provides broad coverage when you are deemed responsible and liable, 并将支付辩护任何涵盖的诉讼或行动,无论其价值.
犯罪和忠诚保险旨在为员工的不诚实行为提供保险, forgery and depository, theft, destruction and disappearance, and more. Discuss the details of this coverage with your agent to learn more.
Could your business cause damage to the environment? If so, are you covered?
With technology performing many tasks in today's world, a breakdown can cause a significant financial burden, including the cost to repair the equipment, the interruption of your business, as well as any lost income and extra expenses.
全面的覆盖范围为设备机械故障提供保护. Discuss the details of what's covered with your insurance agent.
如果你的员工受伤或生病,由于与工作有关的事件, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.
雇员补偿保障雇员在受雇期间因工受伤或生病. 这是法律所要求的,所以你一定要明白你的义务.
一场车祸可能会对你负责的其他人造成人身伤害或财产损失, potentially putting your business in financial jeopardy.
商业汽车保险为商业企业拥有或租赁的车辆提供保险,并为人身伤害提供保险, property damage, and other coverages, and includes both comprehensive and collision coverage.
平均而言,估计五分之三的企业将被员工起诉. While there is nothing you can do to prevent someone from filing a lawsuit, there is something you can do to limit the costs of defending a legal claim.
购买雇佣实践责任保险来保护你的公司和董事, officers, and employees from alleged employment-related acts such as wrongful termination, failure to promote, discrimination, and sexual harassment.
The Internet has spun a whole new web of liability exposures. E-commerce, social networking, cloud storage, 其他技术也为大型和小型企业带来了巨大的好处. But with these benefits also come challenges, including protection of privacy, data, and financial information of your customers.
网络责任保险涵盖对网络内电子数据或软件的未经授权的访问. It also provides coverage for spreading a virus, computer theft, extortion, or any unintentional act, mistake, error, or omission made by an employee. 随着您采用技术来帮助运营业务,这种覆盖范围将迅速变得越来越重要.
What would you do if a fire impacted the operation of your business? Or what if a pipe leak caused a system outage or extended downtime? 这些和其他事件会破坏你服务客户和带来收入的能力, which can have a major long-term impact on the viability of your business.
如果企业因商业财产保险承保范围内的损失而无法正常经营,商业收入保险会赔偿您的收入损失, such as fire or water damage. Business interruption insurance covers the revenue you would have earned, based on your financial records, had the incident not occurred. The policy also covers operating expenses, like electricity, that continue even though business activities have come to a temporary halt.
Your business property is a significant financial investment. What if something happens to it?
商业财产保险可以帮助保护企业拥有或租赁的财产, including things like equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. Whether you own your building or lease your workspace, 商业财产保险可以单独购买,也可以与其他必要的保险相结合,以保护企业的实物资产.
Also includes liability insurance coverage.
The second type is liability insurance. Liability insurance covers damage to people you deal with and their property. However, 需要注意的是,责任保险通常不包括与专业服务相关的风险,也就是说,由于你给客户提供了不准确的建议而造成的损害, for instance. 在你的企业主保单中包括责任保险是必要的,特别是在:
- You meet your clients at your business or theirs.
- You have physical access to your clients’ equipment.
- There is a risk of damage to people or business.
Customized coverage for your business.
获得企业主保单(BOP)意味着一次性覆盖所有这些风险, which significantly reduces stress and brings you peace of mind. Polices are typically custom made to cover your specific needs, and pricing varies depending on your business. But, it’s normally cheaper than buying separate policies for each element.
Understanding your unique business needs.
设计最适合您和您的企业的企业主政策是我们最擅长的. 我们专注于了解您的业务,以便制定正确的政策来保护您的业务, income, and assets. Most importantly, we want your business to be successful. Finding the right BOP coverage to meet your needs is the best place to start.
所以,无论你经营什么样的企业,都要考虑到企业主保险的好处. From startups to established businesses, we will develop a custom plan for you. Contact us today to get started!
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